Vann ja dušš

79 items total
Põrandakaabits LAVEA, Blomus
Põrandakaabits LAVEA, Blomus
Veebis laos (>5 pcs)
121,38 €
Duširiiul NEXIO 34 cm, matt roostevaba teras, Blomus
121,38 €
Duširiiul NEXIO, 25 cm, matt roostevaba teras, Blomus
111,18 €
Duširiiul NEXIO 25 cm, must, Blomus
111,18 €
Vannitoariiul LINEA 46 cm, poleeritud, roostevaba teras/klaas, Zack ZACK40029
Dušikaabits LAVEA, Blomus
Dušikaabits LAVEA, Blomus
Veebis laos (>5 pcs)
40,75 €
Põrandakaabits JAZ 32 x 120 cm, must, roostevaba teras, Zack ZACK40548
Põrandakaabits MODO, must, Blomus
101,95 €
Dušikaabits, tumehall, Brabantia
23,95 € –5 %
22,53 €
Duširiiul MINDSET 42 cm, valge, Brabantia
44 €
Dušikaabits JAZ 24 x 43 cm, poleeritud, roostevaba teras, Zack ZACK40083
Vett läbilaskev duširiiul IPARO 74 cm, must, roostevaba teras, Zack ZACK40521
Dušikaabits VIPO, valge, Blomus
38,71 €
Dušikaabits JAZ 24 x 21 cm, matt, roostevaba teras, Zack ZACK40326
Dušikaabits VIPO, Blomus, magnet
38,71 €
Põrandakaabits JAZ 32 x 120 cm, matt, roostevaba teras, Zack ZACK40328
Vett läbilaskev duširiiul SURF M, beež, Koziol
8,80 €
Duširiiul MODO 34 cm, teras, valge
61,15 €
Dušikaabits, must, Eva Solo
Dušikaabits, must, Eva Solo
Veebis laos (>5 pcs)
29,66 €
Dušikaabits VIPO, tumepruun, Blomus
38,71 €
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Organisation of you bath & shower area

When organizing your bathroom don’t forget about the organization of your shower and bath area. It’s very important as we often tend to focus on the washbasin zone as the central part of our bathroom and forget about the shower or bath. What we end up with is the shower rack full of different cosmetics that stand also on the floor because there are too many of them or because they are too big to fit in our shower caddies.

Bathroom and shower accessories

In Kulina you will find different products to organize your showers space such as functional shelves and caddies  that will help you order all cosmetics needed for a proper bath. Make sure their style and number match the size of your family, the number of different cosmetics that you usually use and the style of your interior. Many of the shower organisers that we offer do not require drilling - they are equipped with self-adhesive mounting tools or can be mounted on the shower rod so you can enjoy the way they organise your space, ten minutes after your order from Kulina arrives!

Among bath & shower accessories you will also find functional products for keeping your bath zone clean, beautiful and safe. High-quality anti-slip mats and creative shower curtains as well as durable shower squeegees will make your bathroom feel like a luxurious SPA and your 10-minute-long shower like a life-saving break – with everything that you need at hand!